Twelfth Step

Our Twelfth Step – carrying the message – is the basic service that the AA Fellowship gives; this is our principle aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, AA is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die.
Bill W.

Twelve step work is front line work carrying the message to the still suffering alcoholic and their families. Those who do the work understand that they are saving lives; one drunk at a time. The mandate for the Twelve Step Committee is to ensure that there is always someone there when the alcoholic finally reaches out.

Requirements for Service

  • 1 year for phone lines and committee work.
  • 2 years for 12 steps and Greeter Captain.

We do this by offering a few options for service:

Phone Greeters

The phone lines are manned 24 hours a day from the greeters’ homes. Calls come from anywhere asking for help and direction. Phone shifts are 4 hours long during the day, 4.5 hours in the evening for as little as once a month, once a week, or even more for the enthusiastic. There is also a Spares list for those who just wish to fill in when we come up short.

Twelve Step Work

This is for those who want one on one contact with newcomers by speaking to them at length, meeting face to face and by getting them to their first meeting. Twelve steppers assist by sharing their experience, strength and hope, helping the newcomer to understand what the program is all about.

Buddy List

There are those who can’t get to a meeting; shut-ins. This is for those who are willing to take the time to carry the message over the wire.

Greeter Captain

We need people to make sure the phone lines are manned 7-24. When someone can’t make make a shift the Greeter Captain gets on the phone, using the spares list, to find a replacement on short notice. They also keep the lists current and

12 Step Committee

There’s always a need at the committee level to help keep things running smoothly.


Training is offered any day from 9:00 am to 9:30 pm in what we call a Shadow Shift. Trainees log into a Zoom room with an experienced phone greeter taking live calls; basically, the virtual version of on-the-job training. If interested, email or call 416 487-5591 to get the ball rolling.

Who is responsible? – I am responsible when anyone anywhere reaches out for help I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that I am responsible.